What have I earned so far?

What have i earned so far?

A series of lessons – one might want to say. I call it “education“.

From the moment i was born, I’ve earned relations.


I earned the love and care of my dad, mom and my sister. Their affection became food for my growth as a human being. At the age of 3 i was introduced to the atmosphere of a school. But fortunately for me, the school, which was run by my grandfather, was right next to my house. And thus, when my parents expected me to be at school, i was watching tom & Jerry with my grandpa at home. My parents made a try again by making me believe that I actually should be sitting in the class. But I was a wanderer even then. When they began to have an impression that my wanderings were in wrong directions, they took me and showed a new place which became my home-outside-home for the next 12 (lkg, ukg+10 years) years: Carmel Central School.


I didn’t then know that I’d earn my best friends, first love, loving teachers, and all the tiddy biddy mischief, all from there. I was introduced to cane sticks which were the weapons of those teachers that jailed the wanderer in me. I lived is joy being a bogey of the man(children)-train than ran the verandah’s of school in every lunch break. The train’s engine part was my best friends so, i somehow felt safe and secure being a bogey. I earned and understood what trust is. I thought trust was wonderful but never knew until my late teenage that, it could backstab.

I grew inch by inch. Somebody in class told me that ice-creams and chocolates were no longer my rewards, but marks were. And that, I had to really fight to earn them. And for a fighter, i had this killer attitude. And i fought, really really hard, even if i weren’t an emperor, i was definitely a king! ( even now, i think emperor is bigger than king because it sounds better) but the king was slayed in a mighty battle using the unbeatable weapon- love and it struck me big time.

First Love

I fell for an awesome soul whose eyes glittered behind a (bizarre) spectacle. New dimensions opened as i found Romance growing strong in me.  I forgot about how much I Wanted to wander, for now i just wanted to dream and nothing else. Dreams became my abode. I learned how to dwell in one body and share the soul of another. Love became everything to me.



Time became the villain. I learned how much separation hurts. Love came again and again and yet a gain over and over, but time kept on telling me(proving to me) that these were not my way to home. Moved On and On and On.

 Need for a Change

Somehow it struck me that I desperately needed a change, from within: A total revamp to the core. I didn’t need to do have to take any steps for that since I got into a new school for my last 2 years of schooling(11 and 12). 2 years was too little time for me as I saw myself becoming a new person with every growing second in the new school (oh, 4got to mention the school : Bharath Vidya Mandir). I must say I totally hated the school for the infrastructure and facilities, but looking back from now, all I can say is that : “It was LIFE when It was there“. So many super awesome friends, so many super super awesome teachers and of course, a super duper awesome tuition class (Gestalt Academy). I learned the 3rd dimension of love(after parents’ and the romance’s). This love was fun love 😉

still the separation of old love existed. (confused how to put it into pape~oh no no no, screen)

College and Stuff

Whenever the love-part took a break, the wanderer in me arose. The adventure of my life jumped several speed breakers and passed several toll booths. The shy me became the smart me, then the annoying me, then the idiot me. One day when my entrance exam results came, i realized, I’ll be a mechanical engineer rest of my life. College started. And with it a new life. New friends, new possibilities, new dreams, but the same old schooly atmosphere. Examinations were no more a big deal. And then i couldn’t even recognize exams, what difference they made. Because now i evaluates my achievements not in terms of marks, but satisfaction.

Wrap Up

It felt as if life’s following a sine wave. From ground zero, i grew up in age, size, knowledge and maturity, now it’s like it’s going down in terms of maturity and self-realization. Maybe because, the latest part of my education made me realize that the world is huge and I’m too small. It feels like going back to childhood. The belief that we’ve tons of experiences to gain, running ahead like a baby, ready to fall, but keen to be steady, to learn more, to know more. The search for the destiny of the soul continues.

Like a thief in the dark, i keep going around touching everything that comes my way, my heart’s looking for that one big treasure, but as soon as i touch something my heart says ” this is not it, go ahead “. Searching goes on. Still whenever i touch a thing i hope that, my heart will say “wait!! This is it!!”

One response to “What have I earned so far?”

  1. Tom Thomas Chakkungal Avatar
    Tom Thomas Chakkungal

    Wow.. this one was my favorite..”as soon as i touch something my heart says ” this is not it, go ahead “. Searching goes on. Still whenever i touch a thing i hope that, my heart will say “wait!! This is it!!””.. KEEP GOING..

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