
Yea… It’s me back with a post…yay..!

And this time with more public concern. It’s about vegetables this time.

Yeah! i know what you are thinking

(Vegetables?! What is he up to?)

Market view
Vegetables a Zoom in.

Well, I’ll break it down to simpler words. I was watching a news channel (happens very rarely) and I saw this feature about the quality of food products.

Actually it was Mom who literally displaced my head off the computer screen and disposed it in front of the TV screen.

Enough background given, we will get deeper into the story.

Forgotten are those days when every fruit and vegetable store has a large basket or pit to dump all the rotten vegetables and fruits.

Why can’t you see them anymore?

No. No. Not because they sell everything within a couple of days. Its because,







Yea. All thanks to man’s everlasting greed for money. He is finding new methods to increase his earnings.

Folks, if they kill you by directly feeding you poison, they’ll be hanged. But if they rather feed you the same poison slowly, they are free birds.. Birds with a gold chain over their necks. 🙂

We all know about the fruits and vegetables been given chemical fertilizers at a pre-mature stage for better yield. The same reason why we get mangoes throughout the year when they are supposed to have a seasonal yield only. Because they are not fruits, but CHEMICALS. And as these chemicals mature to a stage which is good enough to mark their trip from wooden branches to wooden boxes, they’ll be sprayed with pesticides and insecticides. Finally while packing, one last shot of preservatives.

Comrade, are we talking about a bio-product or a byproduct?


As a result of all this carefully done procedures, what we get is, a fruit or vegetable (or the so called, chemical) which looks fresh for weeks (or even months!).

This is not just the case for fruits and vegetables.

That broccoli guy doesn't understand the best ways to grow up to be big and strong. What an asshole!

About two months back i attended a session done by Sri. Mohanan Vaidhyar

One hell of a realization it was..!

He demonstrated the amounts of toxins adulterants and flavours used in almost everythin we purchase from market.

Just check the ingredients in d packet. Will explain things better. Of u check for dairy whitener, it doesn’t actually contain any sort of milk parts… The ingredients say natural identical materials. Arrowroot did not contain even traces of arrowroot in it… Finally a case was filed at Supreme Court regarding this and wants to know how brittania came up to defend the case? They said that, arrowroot is just a brand name, like good day, tiger and krackjack. Just like, tiger biscuits are not supposed to have tigers in it, people shouldn’t expect arrowroot in their biscuits. Sheer arrogance.. But there was nothing government could actually do. This is the case of law and order in our place. Loop holes are larger than laws.

But anyway, Supreme Court ordered them to add arrowroot in the biscuits from then. So, finally we have arrowroot in out arrowroot biscuits.. But yea, smart play there also. The amount of arrowroot in a biscuit is 0.02%! Believe it or not..!

Cashew nut is not cashew, friends. The stuff that comes packed in costly covers is just Maida mixed with clever amounts of color and flavor. Check the packets, most of it doesn’t even have cashew nut noted anywhere.. Just a photo.. Specifically look for the word nut. You’ll know what i mean.

And there it goes.. Even rice is adulterated… F*#k that!

And the TV program showed more of the crude and rude stuffs going on the background. How they are adding addictive chemicals to nuts, sweets and chocolates to increase sales. Not a surprise why we all have a great affinity towards chocolates and ice creams. And for the health effects. NO, i want you to enjoy some peace. I am not explaining.

You got the story line, right? Well, that is all about it. In bird’s eye – you must not show any trust and belief in anything that does not come from your household farm.

I know it’s tough. There is nothing much we can do about it. At least i don’t know what to do. Because i like us all, love an extra scoop of ice-cream or an extra-large burger ot a huge bar of chocolate. Still cannot think of compromising all this for just sheer fear. Just like mountain dew ad says, ”KYUNKI, DARR KE AAGE, JEETH JAI” 😉

Coming back to the story,

So, I and mom were watching TV.

After watching the program, we sat in silence for a long while. Both of us perplexed to the core. It even occurred to her that i should not have seen it in the first place.

At last she found a solution to all these problems..

Buy only fruits and vegetables that are a bit rotten, at least they were ‘fresh’ once upon a time..!

And for rice, grains and other stuff, see if they are invaded by pests and insects, if yes, your light is GREEN..!

I said ”WHAT AN IDEA SIRJI” sorry, Amma !

Reference:  Mr.Mohanan Nair — Ph No: +919846184868

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