Travelling, leaving the world behind


….sitting in the bus alone….
….what are you thinking along your journey towards your destination?….

Last post was written in an exam hall, whereas this one is being written in a bus journey from Guruvayur to my place, Triprayar.

And for your information, this is not a post. It’s a philosophical draft. If u can’t handle weird philosophical scrap (many a time you won’t see any grammar, just chained words), proceed with caution


You meet a lot of people every now and then. They come in, live their life, in the meanwhile, do a part in yours, and just leave when their time’s up. You don’t have a control over these actions many a time. Because the world is on an autopilot mode: being driven according to its program. There are other people whom you meet on the way. You don’t know who they are, what’s their name. They don’t have any part in your life. Still you wish they had a part to play in our life. That’s called love at first sight.

As people come into your life, so does relationships. Relationships (of all kinds) lead to attachment. Attachment is the villain. It brings in all the joy. It gives wings to our dreams. It will make you ecstatic, it makes you live and breathe for something, or someone. But once you start feeling that you have everything, it thunders down with devils paw. Takes away everything you got in an instant. Leaving your mind to become a vortex; making you fold in deeper and deeper into your own world. Human mind never stops thinking. Our needs are infinite. We are so prone to making habits. And once we create a habit, we can’t live without it. And if that habit’s name is love, you are done, for life.

Once we lose our love or become heartbroken, your worldly education starts


….can this path take me to my destiny?….


Lesson1: Who you actually are.

First feeling=loneliness

First realization= self-realization.

You now have a lot of time to do a self-introspection. This shows you all those frequencies that you own. This shows you your purpose, your potential. The funny part is that, it lets u understand that all these time you were wasting your time beating around the bush…

Lesson2: You are part of nature.

As you are done looking into yourself, now it’s time you start looking into nature. Second grief: you can’t help but realize how beautiful is the world around you and feel sad about all these time u neglected enjoying its beauty.

The more and more you look into nature, you start to learn your second lesson: you are part of nature.

Because everything that’s inside you is reflected by nature all the time. When you are gloomy, nature weeps with you, when you are excited, nature dances with you. Nature becomes your best friend, a buddy who never deserts you even if you are in mid desert. Nature becomes you and you become the nature.

Lesson3: There’s a lot to learn from little things.

You start looking deep into nature’s deeper layers. You find two lives: vibrant life and still life. School taught you that everything living is vibrant, but what nature teaches you is that all these time, you were living a still life, and the lion side of your self was dead.

Dead leaves, birds, and soil have in their store, this great lesson for you. They bless you with the ability to wake yourself up from that state of death, that state of deep sleep. You are resurrected. Dreams are over. Life’s calling you.

Lesson4: Final detachment for eternal freedom.

The last lesson you learn from all these ramblings is that, you need freedom; Eternal freedom. Freedom of thoughts, freedom from relationships and freedom from attachments; from where it all began…

That will take you to your destination. The real world which was hiding in this totally unreal universe. That’s the moment when knowledge and information becomes part of you…

That’s when you graduate in your worldly education…

And with that, i reached my home. Adios, Amigos..!

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