Road to Perfection (a very short story)


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I was a spirit, a happy spirit. I was moving from one place to another, merging with the time’s waves. Exploring bliss: exploring eternity. One day I got a call; from GOD.

God said: “You’ve to be born again.”

I asked: “Why? I’m happy now. I’m living bliss. Then why should I? And where?”

God: “You have to, because this is the process of life. This is your real destiny. You’ve to undergo this one last adventure.  This time it’ll be earth again.”

I exclaimed, “Earth?! Why again? Because, I’ve been given a life on earth again and again and again. I prefer some other place.”

God: “Like I said, this is supposed to be your one last adventure; one last test. If you want, I shall give you some other place. But you’ll always have to come back to complete this assignment. So, want a different place?”

Me: “Hell NO..! Earth is heaven!!”

So, then I was heading to a brand new life on Earth. I didn’t know where I was heading, what my duties were: I simply didn’t ask. Because, I like the process of exploring life, keeping it raw, fresh and challenging every single second. I take volunteered risks just to feel the thrill, just to feel life.

Ah ahh, where were we? Yeah, like I said, I was heading towards a new life totally ignorant of the scene I’m going to end up with. I was piloted by the natural forces to new possibilities, new avenues. This is life.

I’ve to be born again: that’s the call. And I was born.

First realisation: darkness. It was pitching dark. I couldn’t see anything. It felt as if some natural forces are tying me into this condition. I was frustrated, I was scared. Am I born blind?! No..!!! I don’t want to be.

 Whatever it is, life has to move on. And it did. Another day, a fine day, my body was adorned with a heavenly crimson sun light. Feeling the awesomeness of light for the very first time, I was happy beyond words can. I was enjoying every sight that came across me.

Days went by. Beings with weird bodies became my friends and lovers. I spend most of the time with them. With every growing minute, they started loving me more.

I grew more beautiful day by day. Finally, one day I began to give out scent; a beautiful odour. And I got even more friends.

Friends came by and went: but my life had nothing to do with theirs. At the end of the day, everyone is left alone.

Thinking back, this life of mine had no major purposes. Just live to the fullest, greet everyone with a smile, and merge into the ecosystem; that’s what my life was all about. I made a lot of friends but every single time I made sure that I do not cling on to any relationship for long. Yet everyone loved me.

One day, I had a very peculiar feeling: I felt complete! Everything was perfect. I looked at the sky and roared with pride. I know I couldn’t have lived this live any better. I knew it was all going to be over soon. I’ve gone through the process of life: a totally different life. But I didn’t know that my time had arrived. The time to fall down. The eternal fall of a vivid life. And I did fall.

A small boy came that way. He picked me up and exclaimed “Such a beautiful flower!” It was then that I knew that I was born as a flower.

Life has different dimensions. You discover your life the way you perceive it. Your perception becomes your reality. Life is a gift. Live it to the fullest, explore it to the fullest, and Love to the fullest. Be complete, find perfection, because everything you do in your life, paves the road to perfection.

One response to “Road to Perfection (a very short story)”

  1. vijith valsan Avatar
    vijith valsan

    ith kalaki..

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