Personal Blogs

  • Vegetables

    Yea… It’s me back with a post…yay..! And this time with more public concern. It’s about vegetables this time. Yeah! i know what you are thinking (Vegetables?! What is he up to?) Well, I’ll break it down to simpler words. I was watching a news channel (happens very rarely) and I saw this feature about…

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  • Idiots in Town – An unplanned trip to Hyderabad

    SET RAIL TO HYDERABAD.. ME, SREEVIN, KEVIN 07/10/10 14:00 – started from Trissur railway station. Mine as well as Kevin’s mom came to bid us ‘good bye’s. Thinking about what to do next. Coz it’s a long long train journey ahead. 24 full hours in train. 15:05 – got a seat very next to the…

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  • A Change is Inevitable

    For the past couple of months, I’ve been feeling BORED. Yeah, totally! And I was thinking over and over for the reason behind it, but came forward with nothing. When I looked forward for a reason, everything I saw was masti, fun, smiling faces of friends, chit chats, laughter, jokes, romance(ofcourse, alot 🙂 ) and…

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