Personal Blogs

  • Siddhartha by Herman Hesse – A Book Review

    This is weird. I’m sitting in the library hall of my university, writing a book review..!! So jobless I am. I’ve been thrown out of the class by the faculty because I was trying to help a friend answer a question (not that I knew the answer, someone told me it’s the answer and I was trying…

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  • Look at Depression

    This is like the hundredth time I’m sitting to write something for the blog. I was never able to finish what I started to write. I attempted poems, prose, stories, and vague posts all in vain. But I guess now I’ll really take something to the blog even if it turns out to be, you know,…

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  • Road to Perfection (a very short story)

    Download Original PDF Version from this link: Download Now I was a spirit, a happy spirit. I was moving from one place to another, merging with the time’s waves. Exploring bliss: exploring eternity. One day I got a call; from GOD. God said: “You’ve to be born again.” I asked: “Why? I’m happy now. I’m…

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