Personal Blogs

  • Existential questions for dwellers of a Sexy World

    The world is full of distractions. Our mind and mood is affected by what we are getting subjected to in this world. Will being in peace help us discover ourselves?

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  • The eye of the blind

    [This is the second guest post in this blog. Written by my best friend, Bharathkumar. He gave this script to me on a sheet of paper three years back and its took this long for me to type it up and upload. Only because I was lazy. But hey, I never lost that paper!] I…

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  • Capsule of Clairvoyant Scavenger: Philosophy

    What makes you perfect is your attitude. This life is a journey of ups and downs. But ultimately what makes you the winner is how fast you realize that you are going down and shifting your focus to make the journey uphill. People, forget about people. They’ll come and go. You need people around you.…

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