Personal Blogs

  • before I hibernate

    Folks..! I’m very sad and sorry to say this. I wont be posting anything for a month from now. Its because,  my university exams are on the edge. They are scheduled to begin on the 5th of August. And, what’s the date today? oh.. lemme check. Its 26th of July. And I haven’t started m…

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    Yeah yeah yeah… Folks.. Guess who is back? Pretty dumb na? It’s (again) me, Binu. Who else can write my blog? Oh, yes, last post was written by my beloved NIDHI. I really had to force her into it. I had to. i was busy with my exams and still somehow wanted to keep this…

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  • Now, I call that……. A DAY..!

    Ufff.. At last it’s over. Some days are so remarkable that we wish we wrote a diary script on it. For me today’s such a day. A day worth remembered. No no, a day which I can’t forget. A day which gave me mixed emotions. A day… With your permission, I’m using this post as…

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