Personal Blogs

  • a day boring.. in a nutshell

    07:30 : A fine Sunday morning it is. No gym today. Feeling lazy. Amma and sister are literally turning the kitchen upside down. They say, they are making biriyani today. Nephew sleeping cozily because he is damn tired, why? because it took around 30 minutes of the frantic efforts of this 8 month old to…

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  • …its not about time

    Hahahahahahahahahahaahaaaaaa (laughter is always good for health, pal) Hey, Vijith, No, its not about time. But what the f**k anyway? How can I write a kilometre long blog post on TIME? (but maybe I’ll another day, because i like playing unpredictable, or incognito or both sometimes). And a prelude for this post. Today was the…

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  • Love Becomes…

    Following post was not written by me. I found it worth sharing — Some say love is overrated. Some say love is everything, and they couldn’t bear to be apart from that special someone for more than a few hours. Some treat love as a game, untrusting and manipulative. And with all this speculation, you…

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