Open Question

This is an open question:

Are all love true?

Everyone around the world, be it political leaders or spiritual leaders, teachers, and even our parents always taught us that Love is the answer to every question. All the chaos and destruction in the world can end with this four letter word.Even dumbledore told harry potter that ‘love is the answer”(speaking Love is the… Oh sorry sorry.. Got carried away.. Where were we?


Oh, the question: Are all love true?


If you are absent-mindedly giving me an answer as a ”yes, love’s always true”, then i’d most likely ask you to reconsider it. Because i know, many are not. I’m pointing my fingers at romance. But love’s always good. Its very nice. But like yin-yang, love too has a dark side. But the thing is, many wont see it, as love’s too addictive. Its like cocaine, those who’ve used i will never say its bad(well, i dont know, because i’ve not yet tried it, will sure write about it once i try). Sorry, deviating from the topic.. So you better reconsider your answer.


Second question:

Does love(romance) affect your social life?


I know, i and you share the same opinion. ”It does”, very much. There are some fools who fall into a totally unpractical relationship unnecessarily. Even if their close social circle, including best friends and family opposes it, they choose otherwise. To be in love. They think that they’ve found their destiny, that they both are made for each other, made to love till eternity. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind..BULLSHIT…!!


They are the real SASIs. Their friends desert them soon, their family also desert them (from now on , i’m using the perspective of the boy in the story). Still he believes that he’s taken the right decision. (from here on the story goes in two direction. No, i’m not elaborating, just concluding)one at a time,

1. One day, he indulges in a verbal fight with her. All these years and month of trust and belief all gone in seconds. He cries loud, deep down inside his heart. He undestands how much of a SASI he is for not understanding what kind of a person she is.


2. Crisis. Diseases. Debt. Unemployment. Poverty. These are also life’s modules. When he come across these, he realises that love cannot be the answer to all. Atleast he should broaden his concept of love. That its not just ‘her’ but everyone are important. Sacrifises needed to be done at times for the favor of others. Man is a social being. Man cannot live without help and support of the society. Atlease he’s not super-man.

And his love ends in an eternal fiasco…!

No money, no honey (- oops, i dont know why i wrote this sentence because its toally irrelevant, but this sentance has been playing in my mind since i started, so decided to spit it out.)


Friends, what i’m intending to say is, ”Love is super amazing, i agree. Its an awesome feeling: being in love. I’ve experienced it many times, but always respect your friends’s and parents’ advice. If everyone say that dont go for her/him, then please be adviced, you are heading for trouble. As they have nothing to gain by breaking you both apart, but its because of their love for you that they are saying all this. It wont be easy to leave your sweetheart for others(at least when you are in love, it feels like “we both and all others”). But in the long run, while leading a happy and prosperous life, you’ll feel thankful for them to make and take that decision for you.

So be advised, be cautious. And dont forget to FALL IN LOVE..! Yea yea, i’m stupid. 🙂


So, question, romance or relations: which is most important?


PS: this post actually has a very narcissist edge which is targeted at a person in my close-friends circle who doest listen to ‘the others’  : including me: to walk out of a totally pointless relationship. He just wont listen. His bad. His mistake.

2 responses to “Open Question”

  1. unni Avatar

    LOL … Boy o boy … whats the exact point ur making ? 😛

    1. binu Avatar

      just that you really got to know what you are doing..!

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