I Wish

I Wish I could get a second chance..

Why this life?

Why all these friends?

Why, the feeling of love?

Why all these dreams?

Why all these memories?

Why do they always come and go,

Leaving me behind,

Deserting me…

Still, even today…

I see the warm and bright light

That touches the wheat plants turning them gold

That gives the heavenly outline to the mountains

That gives the rivers the elixir of life

That gives the flowers all the happiness

The happiness that makes them smile at me

To keep me company… because I’m alone… all the time…

But still, it makes me weep

When I open my eyes to see that

It was all but, just a dream…

I was ambitious

I wanted to conquer the world

Like a horse without a bridle, I fled

Running after everything

I left everything that stood beside me

I increased pace, not realizing what I was leaving behind

And last I reached the zenith

The top of the world

I looked around and realized

I’ve become nothing, but alone…

I’ve lost my innocence

I’ve lost my happiness

Giving my lips;

An eternal shape of a rainbow; but without its colors

I’ve lost the feeling of love

I’ve lost all my friends

Dreams don’t glitter in my eyes anymore

I’m holding back memories,

But day after another,

They too are leaving me,

Like ashes of burnt paper flying upwards

Lost in my own world, I stroll

To where: I know not

My eyes are turning grey…

Signs of life (too) deserting me..? I Wish..!

2 responses to “I Wish”

  1. vijith valsan Avatar
    vijith valsan

    kollamalo,angane aa fieldum keezhadaki..

    1. binu Avatar

      hihi…:D athaanu urmeez..!

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