Lets change the topic

Wonder what this is all about?

Well, you are right..!    It’s all about me…! (No surprises, right?)

I should keep posting in na? That’s y I’m writing out all these blunder.. *begging forgiveness*

Well, I just checked the college website to know my attendance status and voila! It’s a huge 76.78%. You might wonder what’s so huge about it. Well a month and a handful of days before, it was 54% and I thought I was heading to pay a condonation. But thank god for his pressure on me to stay in class. I didn’t bunk any hour and took the attendance this far. Hope I can take it to an 80% by the end of the semester. 🙂 Man, college life is frikkin boring. You go there each day, same routine, same classes, same notebooks, different pens (because all the time a pen won’t last a day, someone would take it or it’ll give up on itself). Got some, No, a lot of friends from that place, and that’s what counts about college days.  Still, whatever it is, I’m asserting that college is awesome boring. 🙁 It’s nothing like as shown in movies where there’s fun, music, and more fun everywhere. Well lets change the topic or else this conversation is not going to go anywhere.

So, talking about movies, I was watching The Godfather (1972). Well, It’s a fantastic movie. I never used to like old movies, just for the reason that something about them feels artificial. For instance, I’ve seen Casablanca (some 1930’s) and I should say I didn’t like it. Because I couldn’t see anything special In it. But godfather is nothing like these stereotypical old movies. So I wish you’d watch the movie and like it too. And maybe by tomorrow and day after tomorrow, I’d see the second and third parts of the movie. UTorrent is running with The Karate Kid (2010) waiting to be completed. Because I promised Sheen (my classmate) that I’d give him tomorrow.

And finally, today the audio disc of the long awaited ONCE UPON A TIME IN MUMBAI released today. Wow something for me to share with THE GIRL. Because both i and her love the song Pee Loon from that movie. (PS :checkout the music album My Life of Iyaz. Sounds cool)

Well, the coming Saturday, I’ll hopefully be taking her out.(*hope**hope*). Well I have to call it a date and be it. And this is the first time we are actually going out together. I should admit that a social networking website is all that requires for two souls to come together. What’s the point of having bharatmatrimony.com if there’s FACEBOOK which facilitates more features? I’m saying all this because I found THE GIRL from Facebook. Well, we found each other. It was nice, then it was weird, then it was fun, then it was confusion, then it was sorrows, THEN WE WERE IN LOVE.

So, some words on her. She’s totally cool. A great dancer she is. She sang alright for me (But I strongly regret that part ;)) for her and me as well, there’s no limit for love. She’s good looking. No, she’s great looking. Then, she has a good voice. She is pro-matured for her age. She is very fashionable.  Actually, she aspires to be a fashion designer later. She’s very adjusting. She likes and wants to be in my family. She cries a lot. She asks a lot of questions. 😀 More love, more love. She gives (well..!) a lot of kisses. She’ll kill me when she read this..!


And about me. I’m handsome. J I can sing well. I think a lot. But I react pretty quickly. I have a very short temper. But an ever shorter heat mode (means: I cool down pretty fast). You can call me a cool guy (I’m forcing you to..!!). I like travelling. I like making friends. I love to read novels. I say NO to textbooks (typical engineering student). Oh, notebooks too.  I’m doing mechanical engineering. But I’m more into management and marketing, so hopefully do an MBA too. I like driving. I like to kiss. Ha-ha. You should believe this: I am a natural bachelor. I like everything about bachelor life. I’m not organized (at a moment but the next moment you find me organized). I don’t feel any responsibilities. Nothing really tenses me. I have no fear (well, I done fear people at least) I like being free. I like to booze. I like to eat tasty food. I done like to look at a clock, still I wear a wrist watch for punctuality sake (fashion sake, to be truthful). So I’m a bachelor, still I need a girlfriend. And I need THE GIRL. Because she constantly tells me that none can love her the way I do. (Compliments added).

Well, I don’t like to look at clock, but my wrist watch tells me its 12:59AM and it’s a fine Wednesday night. (or Thursday morning?) . I’m running out of time. I got to go to college tomorrow to raise my next part of attendance. So adios guys..! at least for the time being. Post in reviews and comments (if someone’s reading all these) so, ta-ta..!

😀 😀 😀

4 responses to “Lets change the topic”

  1. Rohan Avatar

    Good lang!!
    Totally agree with Godfather. . Its d mother of all mobstes movies!!

    1. binu Avatar

      🙂 thanx

  2. Sachin Suresh Avatar

    That’s really good bro…..
    But if I remember right…..this is way before you broke up, right?

    1. binu Avatar


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