a day boring.. in a nutshell

07:30 : A fine Sunday morning it is. No gym today. Feeling lazy. Amma and sister are literally turning the kitchen upside down. They say, they are making biriyani today. Nephew sleeping cozily because he is damn tired, why? because it took around 30 minutes of the frantic efforts of this 8 month old to finally wake me up.

Now I scratch my head for no particular reason. Wait, my phone’s ringing. Well, its my girlfriend. I should call her.

08:15: It was a brief call.

08:40: Sunday, today. Let me check my schedule. Nothing. Tapping my fingers on my desk thinking what to do, what to do.

I should brush my teeth. Cleanliness is important.

08:50: Hmm, i need a coffee now.
Ammmmaaaaaaaaa, coffeeeeeeeeee.

09:05:  .

09:05: Drank a cup of boost. Needed a boost really

11:17: Life’s very easy. Its just these university exams which are not.

12:08: Got my car serviced yesterday. But, today morning amma took a bizarre reverse and the car front bumper bumped into a concrete wall. Collateral depression accosted..!

12:10: this is a lazy Sunday. Got nothing to do. I think its time for a movie.

15:49: A brief chat with my schoolmate lakshmi. Made me realise that there are ‘so many stupid people and so few asteroids..! ‘

17:31: sitting free and bored, yet again. what a day ! Santro has to undergo a bit of maintenance. Owning a car, especially a black one, is awesome, but you have to be prepared to pay for the touch-ups and maintenance. Me again feeling bored. I have to see a movie. I really have to. I am going to.

19:17: Just returned after having an evening soda. burrrp..!

21:13: Watching 9 Songs. Brave director and thoughtful censor jury I might say. The movie is all about sex. No, dont correct me, its not about love (which, by the storyline is), but its full of sex. And music ofcourse, from the title. A very insightful one. I am liking it.

22:22:22 : Movie was good. Clock showing interesting figures again. But my jaw just hit the keyboard for the second time, coz i’m dozing (on) in front of it.

Time for bed.
Adios ! Amigos !

3 responses to “a day boring.. in a nutshell”

  1. Sachin Suresh Avatar

    nice work in here…loved it

    1. binu Avatar

      i dont know why i wrote this post.. 🙂

      1. binu Avatar

        totally stupid one.. 🙂

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