…its not about time

Hahahahahahahahahahaahaaaaaa (laughter is always good for health, pal)

Hey, Vijith, No, its not about time. But what the f**k anyway? How can I write a kilometre long blog post on TIME? (but maybe I’ll another day, because i like playing unpredictable, or incognito or both sometimes).

And a prelude for this post. Today was the freaking last day of our Semester 4 Btech exams. And on the way home, Vijith, my gran amigo asked me about this blog, have it gone dead or something. It was then and there I gave him the “gran promesa” or big promise (See I’m getting proficient in Spanish 😀 ). So the promise: wanna know?

No, you don’t wanna know… Oh really? OK. I’ll say.

Simple,  I promised him that I’ll blog tonight and also that i’ll not stop blogging. Means? :I’ll try to take this blog with me always (wink). I know, many of you would have become like “Oh, duh, this dude can bluff..!”

But, you know me. I don’t care a shit.
Moreover i used the word ‘try’ didn’t i?

Okay, all the bluffing done, lets think. What now?
Oh, one more thing. I told him that my next blog post would be about TIME. A philosophical science-fiction delve into time-extension and time-travel. And also shared my Christopher Nolan -like thoughts on it. And I’ve even made a draft. But I’m procrastinating its publishing to future.

You know, the examination times, they are tough for every human being. Yesterday I was sitting in the porch, my sister was here. She thought I was tensed about the exams. Well the real thing was, I was confused rather than being tensed, what to study, what to refer, and from where. So, practically, I was sitting there with many questions unanswered. So, my sister (she is a practising, no, she is an earning Dentist now) came to me and patted my shoulders and said “ Da, one thing is true, once your studies are over, you don’t have to tense about these freaking exams anymore, ha” and she went away. I was like, “WHAT?”

day before exam

All the while,

You know, the examination times, they are tough for every human being (ya, repeated text). But for me, frankly, it brings out a lot of stuff from inside. Because, I come under the category of Natural Day Dreamers. And study leaves facilitates exactly that. And it brings about a lot of thoughts from inside. And I make a lot of plannings, for instance, i decided i should hit the gym as soon as exams are over (which I am proudly gonna do). And emotions too. Variety of emotions flow out of my mind. Sometimes they makes me horny(yea i am a typical teenager), sometimes they make me miss my girlfriend (don’t link the above two 😉 ), sometimes i just wanna laugh till I cry, you know, stuff like that. And the TIME-thing-i-told-above is an offspring of such a thought session. Study leave also gives us a lot of time to do everything-apart-from-studying. And this study hols also, i found myself a bit busy.

In other words, I have found extremely useful ventures to keep myself busy during free times. Like I am a lot into social work these days. And I have started entrepreneurial ventures too. To give a little more insight, I have now taken upon myself to provide the 310 souls on my Facebook account, their daily dose of laughter, by sharing all and sundry videos, which I suddenly have all the time in the world to watch. Either that, or at least I give their eyes good exercise. You know, rolling your eyes keeps them healthy? Yes, that way.

On the entrepreneurial front, I have started another game on Facebook, very similar to Farmville. Now before you go ‘ Oh God! Not again!’ or ‘like’ the ‘If you send me another Farmville request I will set fire to your farms and kill your cattle’ group, let me clarify, I do not add neighbours, or send gifts, or request gifts, or publish my achievements. I only play. Yes, so this game is called Retail Therapy. Ah, now you know. So here I have this boutique sorta thing and I basically order and sell clothes and shoes and stuff. It is a ladies sort of game, yes, but i was seriously bored and it really did entertain me. Yes. And of course, I decorate my store, and hire people and do all kinds of fancy business stuff  which is definitely not what I am doing at my real job. It helps me while away time.

Only, I have this one issue with it.  See, in Farmville, if you don’t harvest your crops on time, they wither away. In Cafe World, if you don’t serve your food on time, it gets spoilt. So guess what happens when you don’t unpack clothes you ordered on time in this game? Well. I would have guessed, nothing. But here, they catch flies. Seriously. If I go an hour later than the stipulated time to see if my order has arrived, I see dirty boxes, and flies swarming all over them. What nonsense. Seriously. Now I am without money, without clothes to sell, and a half done wall, the other half of which I can’t afford. Bugging.

I also am watching a lot of random movies on PC, which would not have seen the light (darkness?) of my room, if mom hadn’t been in the kitchen all the time. I was last watching A-team, followed by The City of God . And I have some new realizations. There is a reason Indian cinema is stinking alot these days. Coz it really stinks.!! There are all kind of right people, right directors, right camera men, right actors (oh yeah..!), right technicians, but too much of icing spoils the cake, maybe. No no, I’m not complaining. As I always say, I’m just a concerned Indian.

Oh, I think its late. Let me check the time on my ubuntu lucid lynx. I customised this operating system beyond any one’s imagination. So forgot where I kept the clock thing. Oh, yeah, found it. Right here in the corner. Wow, its exactly 12:00am. I love seeing numbers like this (and also, numbers like 01:01(not waiting for that tonight), 02:02… and 12:34 and also, 01:43 (why? 143= I Love You)) Crazy, silly, me.

By the way, I was over-listening to the song under that name from Colonial Cousins album Aathma (click the link to listen). Lovely song, You too listen to it.
I think its enough for the night. I am exhausted after the long day. I’ll blog often. So stay tuned, guys.

PS: Te quiero mucho amigos..!

My nephew Prenith with his newly "RELEASED" Tooth.

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