Love Becomes…


Following post was not written by me. I found it worth sharing —

Some say love is overrated.
Some say love is everything, and they couldn’t bear to be apart from that special someone for more than a few hours.
Some treat love as a game, untrusting and manipulative.

And with all this speculation, you wonder how many people really understand the meaning of love. So many people try to think of ways of saying it, to make it mean so much more; some say it just because they are words of flattery – because it is what the other person wants to hear. The truth is, love is so much more than just words. Love is expressions, touches, experiences. Love is growing together as one. When you find that person, and you grow to love each other, you suddenly understand why people would die for someone, why people would kill.
This person becomes your world.

There are no flashing neon lights hovering over their head, telling you that
this person is the one, just like there are no lurid signs showing you that they will become your future. No stars collide(except in your mind) – and there are no fireworks (except from within). They are a permanent part of you, always a constant ache for this person –  to feel their arms hold you, their fingers entwining with your own. Just the touch of their skin gives you goose bumps, and you never want to let go..
The knowledge dawns on you that without this person you are not whole, and you will never be the same without them. Thoughts, flashbacks, memories, filling your mind at every moment, leaving you with nothing more than a desire to be with this person, hoping, praying.. and eventually knowing and trusting they feel the same.

It is impossible to pinpoint the exact moment a person realises they are in love. But there comes a time when the mask comes off, and the real person show themselves. There is no longer a need to go to the movies every Saturday night to sell the sex clinging to your arm; you’ve grown bigger than that. Suddenly you want to be the only one to see them the same way you do, to appreciate who they are. Staying at home makes you feel much closer, and you only want to share every moment with them, not the rest of the world. They wouldn’t understand anyway, they couldn’t even comprehend.

You both become oblivious to each others imperfections, not noticing the crooked teeth or extra pounds, seeing only lines of perfect symmetry tracing their way down a lover’s body – curvaceous hips, seductive lips.
The eyes that ask questions, hands that answer them.
The eyes that are mirrors, lips that seal promises.
Reflecting the feelings you both feel, but words cannot measure.

You become able to predict their reactions, and know every quirky little expression they have. Things they say, things they do. The smiles, gestures, the familiar routine that occurs on every adventure in the bedroom, but this repetition doesn’t bore you, it only makes you realise you don’t want things to change.. ever. You know that you have found the real person hidden inside the shell that is saved for the outside world. You create your own world between silken sheets, in each others minds and in your heart. Rooms become a safe haven, love is proven, promises are made and truths are told. The “I love you’s” never seem to do your feelings justice at times like these, because there is no way the person can know through three simple words how much you need them with you, always and forever. Even till death do us part sounds like a cheap cliché, but it’s the best you can do. In their arms, and in their heart is the only place you ever want to be.
Safe, warm and secure.

There are fights, fights that make you forget everything else, make it impossible to concentrate because all you can focus on is what the other person is thinking.
Are they still angry?
Do they still care?
Will this fight mark the end..? No! Never!
Do they miss you as much as you miss them; miss the comfort of their laughter, their reassurance that everything is ok?
So many hopeless predictions as to what they’re thinking as you try not to let the desperation get to you – the worry can drive you mad. Picking up the phone, putting it down, wanting to talk but not wanting to make things worse. One call, so much hope – so much fear. Trembling hands reach out to the buttons. But as you are ready to dial they call and you know that they’ve put away their pride, and the mutual apologies show you that your love is more than just a façade. Knowing this is one of the most beautiful feelings a person can ever experience. The anger is drowned in a wave of love for the person, and all reason is left behind. You find yourself forgetting why you were even angry in the first place.
Maybe the fights are meant to happen, just so that you remember how important this person’s love is – and so you can experience the pure bliss of making up and feeling so close to them once again, as if you have been separated for years, making up for the time of lost love with words and gestures.

There is the love making. And yes, it becomes more than just sex. Two people coming together as one in a means of expressing their feelings for each other. Not just another notch on their belt to brag about on Monday – something surreal and lasting. Soaring to new heights, both of you sure that no other couple could ever feel this way. And maybe they can’t, because each love is sacred, each love is different. Lovers moving in perfect time, knowing their partner so well, feeling the build up of passion, two bodies knowing the exact moment to let go.
Smooth, syncopated, perfect.
Free falling, too fast to stop on a one way trip to heaven. A heaven for two. Landing soft and finding yourself still in their arms, planting kisses on your face, your neck – leaving imprints on your heart. How could anyone ever challenge such a feeling as this, it is too pure to be tainted, too lovely to be a lie?
Two people, two hearts.
Both beating for the other, both keeping the love alive.

But above all this, there is the constant feeling of love that stays with you every second of the day. There really are no words that can explain it, and no way that you can understand it fully unless you have felt the feelings yourself.
Love is a dream that can make reality fade away.
A dream you never want to wake up from

Love grows, like a bud into a flower

And Love,
Becomes everything.

2 responses to “Love Becomes…”

  1. Sachin Suresh Avatar

    What made you think this?

    1. binu Avatar

      dont know exactly. Many a time, words just flow out of our hands. And i invested quite a lot of time writing and correcting this.

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