before I hibernate


I’m very sad and sorry to say this. I wont be posting anything for a month from now. Its because,  my university exams are on the edge. They are scheduled to begin on the 5th of August. And, what’s the date today? oh.. lemme check. Its 26th of July. And I haven’t started m preparations. I am a Mechanical Engineering student. A lot of my friends call me daily to say, “Macha, We both are traveling in the same boat. even i haven’t started studying yet.” Ear Candy alright. But that means he too is in grave danger. Right? So I guess, I better start with my examination preparations today itself.

That said well in advance, lets get into today’s topic. Any guesses?


A wild guess please..!

Well, you are WRONG..! This post is centered on a single topic:


Women Empowerment (yeah, me too)

I know you want to ask me, “Why Binu? Why women empowerment now?, when all lot of people are constantly blabbering about it all the time” And I am saying “Yes, women empowerment is the real NEED OF THE HOUR”. And my perspective maybe a lot different than the stupid social reformers(yea i call them that.!)

So, what made me make it the central topic for the day. Its my friend and classmate Srutheej. He can be categorized as a very common (SUGAR-BOY aka PANCHAARA). He is quite good with girls. And all the time you can see him drooling behind one or the other girl. But thats not the thing. He told me (one day) that he was truly, madly and deeply in love with a girl (whom I know). And later it turned out that she was not interested in him inspire of his persevering efforts and requests. He was (naturally) disappointed. And everyone(including me) started teasing him for his miserable experience with this girl. Later someone started spreading some false news about this girl (that she were already in love with some other boy) which was wrong indeed. Srutheej well knew that this was a totally crap news. BUT (there is always a ‘but’.. ryt?) he took it as an excuse to say that he is not interested in her. And now he says he hates her (what an idiot!). and he goes on behind other girls proposing one after the other. And none has been a success till date. (will update this statement if its necessary)

PS: Srutheej ain’t a bad boy either. He’s a funny guy. But its true that he has got this thing with girls.

So, the other day, I was thinking, what if a girl whom we know had impersonated Srutheej’s character. What would the public say? What would her classmates say? What would we say? Yeah, they, you and me monotonously would have called her a whore. Wouldn’t we?

But nobody has any complaints against Srutheej. None really cares if he talks to a girl, or even propose her. But if it was a girl.. Think about it. This is us. I am not asking you to close your eyes when a girl goes off the path. But whats the difference between a girl and a boy? Apart from all the physical differences, (oh, emotional side too) both are human beings. So, why discriminate her for these silly stuffs. she has got a lot of other problems to tackle. In today’s scenario, men and women do all sort of things alike. Women has some rights, why not let them exercise it? In my opinion, if we are banned from doing something, our urge to do (just) that increases. Same applies to girls too. Make them free. Make them independent. You will never then see them making blunder choices. They wont be as sensitive as they are now, they will be strong, smart and powerful. Caution to boys (including me) they wont fall in love easily. You can see more of women entrepreneurs among those reigning boys (boys?). Women are like HANUMAN…basically very powerful and very creative. But they themselves didn’t know about the power lying in them. Men knew this and suppressed them for their advantage. This practice continued. And still exists, at least I can rightfully say, in India. This shall not continue. Let some westernization into this also. I say, it will not be a blunt decision. I am talking about constant and steady improvement of the society. People, are you listening?

3 responses to “before I hibernate”

  1. meghana Avatar

    hey..loved dis post of your’s..your thinking angle was great..even i ponder about it all d time..if a gal behaves like wat u tld way,she is a total whore..if a guy does,he is “funny”…strange huh?….

    1. binu Avatar

      it is.. it is… very much strange it is..

  2. Sachin Suresh Avatar

    You said the right words buddy….very true

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