Yeah yeah yeah…

Folks.. Guess who is back? Pretty dumb na? It’s (again) me, Binu. Who else can write my blog? Oh, yes, last post was written by my beloved NIDHI. I really had to force her into it. I had to. i was busy with my exams and still somehow wanted to keep this blog running. She is no captivating writer or anything (must be evident from her post). But she has a cute heart. And she’s soooo Sweet. Bless her. And she asked me to state out publically that she’ll not be writing this blog anymore (I’m adding “any soon” to it for convenience) .So, this time it’s me. With more and more dumbness. Coz this time also, I’ve nothing new to tell apart from my usual peg of sheer blabber.

Talking about dumbness, I saw the movie INCEPTION today.


Well some call it the best movie ever. Well, I say, “almost”. Because I’ve not seen all the movies *smirk*: P. Well it’s the best movie I’ve seen so far in 2010. There was SHUTTER ISLAND which was awesome in its way. But INCEPTION is special. It’s BIG. And for the same reason, we won’t understand a thing till the movie is playing its climax. I concentrated my mind out for reason and meaning. I insist all mallus to download the movie and watch with a subtitle. I really insist. Coz if you are intending to watch in a theatre, you’ll have to watch a second and maybe a third time to grasp it full. I’m still left with a lot of questions. So, we will talk about something else.

I am now listening to Ronan Keating. People, you should listen to his songs. And Bryan Adams’s too. Their songs have so much romance in them. Listen and believe.

Well well, did I say about my just-over exams? I didn’t. Did i? I could’ve forgotten that easily. Coz exams are not something new for me. As a normal btech student, I got used to writing exams. But personally, this internal exams was good. I really loved it. Coz I performed well this time. I feel satisfied. This is the first time after my semester 1 and 2 that I feel satisfied after writing a series exam. I got 2 answer sheets and have got above 30 marks in both (30 and 38) which are awesome great for me. J Am I sounding like a studious student? It really concerns me coz I’m seriously not.

And again, missed out the first thing. Why the name FAST FOOD. (I can see that you are excited) 😉 . Well its nothing about fast food or any other health reminder. This post is a fast and instantly cooked one. I want to include a lot of stuff into it- movies, music, sports, academics, recreations, hobbies, travel etc. etc. and tell me is there a better name than that? No. Don’t say.

Finally, another semester of my studies is over. Professors are starting to put internal marks for the semester. Means, its time to bow the head, beg excuses, and maybe, drag some legs too. J you know what I mean. Like Gandhiji said, “DO OR DIE”. Well, I can’t die.

Yesterday was the starting day of KARKIDAKAM. A holy month. So as a tribute, I’m being vegetarian the whole month. Something about it is good. I like non vegetarian food, but once in a while it feels good to be a vegetarian. And I’m losing weight lately. Maybe 2 reasons: less sleep, and disorderly eating. I’m taking food just twice a day. I wished I exercised too. But my exercise level is ZERO since a couple of weeks. I should really implement an exercise regime n my routine. I will, but now I’m procrastinating it.

Today, I told about NIDHI to my cousin sister, CHANDU. I expected her to offer support. But ramifications were just the opposite. She didn’t like the idea and she didn’t like NIDHI. And moreover, I had to bear her accusing (not abusing) NIDHI and me with some really nasty words (? for falling in love with me? ). I was blue after the talk with her. NIDHI was online. I told her what happened. She too became blue. Well, it’s my mistake. NIDHI was angry at me. But a couple of minutes later, she brought herself up. And then I saw her consoling me. How sweet! She called me and showered me with kisses. There’s nothing more a man who’s blue can ask. This girl is sheer awesome. And I love her.

Life is a rollercoaster. Says Ronan Keating. It really is. Right? And we should ride it nevertheless. More and more mysteries coming up every second. None knows what’s in store for us. But the real spirit lies in taking it in the good way whatever happens. Love the way you live. And don’t give a damn for what others think. All that matter is you and your bliss. If you are happy and there’s no guilt, go on doing what you are doing. That’s your course of life. This is it. This is our life. And it’s almost certain that we wont have another chance with it.

Did I use the word ‘almost’ now? I deliberately did. Coz I’d like to add a piece of information to this post before I wind up. Today my sister and kid were here and I was to drive them to their house. On the way, she told me a very queer thing. My brother-in-law is a dentist. And he’s a thorough supporter of Sri Sri Ravishankar’s Art Of Living. And he is an expert of Sri Sri Yoga. The other day, he attended a camp called “ENLIGHTEN” (or a similar name). And each and everyone were admitted for a dedicated hour of meditation where they would be answered many life questions (not verbally) through mind, through meditation (sounds spiritual). And one can see glimpse (real sightings) from past life. And he really did see it. He saw his wife in the previous birth. Actually we shouldn’t explain those things said in meditation. But my smart and wise sister had already made him promise to her that he’d say it whatever it was when he’d return. My sister- very intelligent. Well, he didn’t explain it fully. Chechi was informed that his wife in that life had features of a north Indian (so possibly would’ve been). I strongly disapprove this thing. It is against my senses. He won’t lie with this stuff. But still, something is out of order. Don’t you think?

Confused, I’m going to bed. Guess it was a fast but heavy food ! Adios amigos.!

One response to “FAST FOOD”

  1. Sachin Suresh Avatar

    Me too confused after reading this…..

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