Socially Appropriate

I am not trying to answer the existential question of the meaning of life. However, I am trying to find the reason why we do what we do.  We all have dreams. Some have more elaborate and colorful dreams than others. And secretly we all want to live our dreams and fantasies. But only very few people are able to live the life as they really want. The rest of us are just bored and unsatisfied: unsatisfied with our work, unsatisfied with our partners, unsatisfied with the surroundings and so on. If we know what is it that we want in life, then why aren’t we pursuing it? Who is stopping us? Answer: nobody.

Socially Appropriate

Many a time, we make decisions in life not because we like it, but because it is socially appropriate. Stop and ask yourself this question. How important is it for you to know what is happening with other people’s lives? Is it really that significant? You might like some gossip, but at the end of the day, all you care about is about what is going on with your life. And believe me, that is the case with the rest of the people too. The so called society have no active interest in what is going on in your life. Nor will they step ahead to do anything to help you out. They are mere spectators in glass houses. I believe that doing things to please the society is not really a good idea. Because when you look around and identify the thing called society, you’ll find that society just doesn’t exist. You see a bunch of people. And every one of them are different and have different perspectives.

Therefore I think that sometimes we have to take a leap of faith and hope everything will work out well. Because it’s a small life and time is always running out.  Therefore, ask yourself: what is the most important thing in this world that you could be working on right now? If you are not working on it, why aren’t you?
Clairvoyant Scavenger

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