Existential questions for dwellers of a Sexy World

The other day I read an article where the author said that “the world is sexy”. Don’t know why, but I stopped and pondered over it for a moment. Well, my first reaction was, what does the author mean by sexy? I googled the meaning of the word sexy. The myriad of meanings of the word ranges from “invoking sexual interest” to exciting or interesting. I decided to take all these meanings into account and define the author’s observation from my perspective.

The world is full of distractions. How right was the ancient Indian sages who said the world is full of maya! World keep throwing attractive situations that stimulate our senses. Sometimes our reaction to the stimuli would be happiness, sometimes sadness, sometimes love and so on. When you subject yourselves to the world, something in you is always changing: Your state of mind. When you are sad, you listen to your favorite tunes, meet your friends, talk to your loved ones and your mood changes instantly. When you read the newspapers (well, newspapers these days play the role of horror movies) you are overwhelmed with the pain that is filled in this world. Similarly, every moment, your state of mind is being altered by what we call world.

This thought makes me go back to a more fundamental question. What are we? If our mind or the state of it is a result of a stimulation to the world around us, where should we go to find absolute peace? If we do that and our mind is stilled, how would that be? Will we discover ourselves then?

Little Angels cry: We might not be what we believe we are.
Little Angels cry: We might not be what we believe we are.

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