Capsule of Clairvoyant Scavenger: Philosophy

What makes you perfect is your attitude. This life is a journey of ups and downs. But ultimately what makes you the winner is how fast you realize that you are going down and shifting your focus to make the journey uphill. People, forget about people. They’ll come and go. You need people around you. Some people are meant to be with you always. If you find such people, never let them go. They will be your greatest treasure always. How do you know if a person is one of the above category? It’s easy. You’ll know. The important thing is to make your relationships perfect rather than waiting for the perfect relationship to suddenly materialize in front of you. That will never happen. Understand the potential of the one you have. Analyze, measure. Craft the shortcomings. You are an amazing artist. If the sculpture that you are making turn out to be bad, trash it, don’t worry. You can make another one. Move on. Its life. Don’t be amazed if someone tell you that this life is just a thought experiment. Believe it even if you didn’t understand a word of that statement. Indeed it is a thought experiment. You’ll get to know more about it soon. Never try to be on the safer side. Experiment. Take risks. You will never get a repeat chance to take risks. Staying safe is easy. Staying in the risky path is challenging. Life is challenging. Be alert, fight. Did I just say that? No, don’t fight. But if you happen to start fighting, fight to kill. You can create, you can destroy. Play God. Because God is in you. Live every second. Eat, sweat, find your ecstasy, experience bliss. Enjoy. Celebrate. Rule. Overpower. The world is yours. This is all just a thought process.

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