Path OF Truth


Many a time you hear people say things like “in search of truth”, “quest for truth”, “seeking Brahma”, “searching for the ultimate purpose of my life” and so on. This truth, self, Brahma, ultimate purpose; all are but the same thing. And most of us knows that, whatever we are in search of, is already inside us.

Then why search?

I’m not going to come up with ideas on what makes us search or like I always do, offer tips related to this topic. No! Not this time. Let’s think together.

Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see.” – Bhagvan “Osho” Rajneesh

Like a flock of hen let loose at darkness, we walk around wondering which path to choose that leads us to truth. We judge every action we take and its outcomes. We skip, hop, and even lock some paths saying that these are not the right ones. But the truth lies in the old proverb.

All roads lead to Rome” – Unknown

The Paths that we take: all leads to the Supreme Reality.

In this context, it’s more appropriate to say that “all knowledge leads to the self”. For that you need to accept everything that you face. Never try to judge things as right or wrong, good, or bad, evil or ugly etc.

Every moment, be aware that you need to look inward to see what you are searching. Everything you read, hear, understand, speak are all nothing but supports or milestones. They tell you that you are going in the right direction, you are going well.

This is the most important part. You will not find what you are looking for by believing. What a book, or a person say are just words. They just describe their thoughts or experiences. Belief makes you slaves to that thought. Truth gives you freedom. You will never understand what the truth is until you realize it in its original form, original potential, which cannot be described by words. This is why the illumined ones always said “Stop thinking, Act!” for action brings us closer to our goals, not thoughts.

Ayam Atma Brahma”: Atman and Brahman are one.
Aham Brahmasmi” : I am Brahman.

These are the words of the Hindu scriptures. Forget about Hinduism, this non duality is the basis of all the religions. This non-duality is the basis of the entire world.

As I said earlier, this is a thought experiment, or a thought-journey. So if you find this quest interesting, start right away. Don’t worry about the paths or methods, all are true. All leads to the truth.

Picture Courtesy: Paths by ~RichardCederfjard on deviantART

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