Look at Depression

This is like the hundredth time I’m sitting to write something for the blog. I was never able to finish what I started to write. I attempted poems, prose, stories, and vague posts all in vain. But I guess now I’ll really take something to the blog even if it turns out to be, you know, “the usual stuff”.

I was thinking about depression and was wondering what definition I’ll give to it. I sat for about 15 minutes (yea, jobless me) to come out with a self-definition. Since that quest was going nowhere, I decided to look it up on Google. And yea I found one – “Severe despondency and dejection, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy”. Even though I couldn’t comprehend that definition well, I was stuck particularly to the last couple of words i.e. feeling of hopelessness and inadequacy. That’s what it is..!!


Depression is generally conceived as bad and the “not to be spoken about” stuff. But as per me, it’s what shape the real you (YO!) in you. And I’m pretty sure that you have had those situations in life when everything was going just perfect, and suddenly, one big bang and you lost it all. Yea and you end up being depressed. You find yourself amusingly alone and left behind. You start asking all vivid questions to yourself, and will even question the reason of your very existence.

People are always there for you. But in those times you fail to recognize it and go to make those self-affirmations that you are alone in this world, which is absolute BULLSHIT..!! But I guess, that span of your life when you are depressed, is meant for you to be alone. As you go on asking yourself these witty questions, someone rings an alarm in your mind saying that you’ve left a lot of your work behind and are wasting time thinking about things that doesn’t make sense. But nevertheless, it feels a lot better to continue with the questioning. It’s like the late Sunday morning sleep which we all enjoy; we want to go on a little bit more even when we know that it’s about time we wake up.

But here is the good part. The more you ask yourself the W’s, you’ll come to get a clearer picture of how things are patterned. You’ll come to understand that the depressed state is a self-designed mechanism of our mind to avoid ourselves to be led into the superfluous ego state. Your mind wants you to improve on a constant basis. For that it needs to go up, take a pause, and then go on ascending the steps of life. That pause that you take is the state of depression. That reflects in your mind, thoughts and body, you find yourself more tired and exhausted and hopeless than ever, you feel like you are dying. You just want to get rid of this feeling, but don’t know how. You become confused.

Are you depressed, do you want to come out of it real fast? Then here’s what you got to do. Listen to your mind. Because, the answers for all the questions that you ask yourself in life is within yourself. Enjoy the solitude. Follow what your mind is saying. You’ll be out of depression in no time. This is magical. You can apply this concept in a variety of scenarios. For example, when you fall ill, listen to your mind, if your mind is keeping quiet, observe your body, find the message it’s giving to you. Follow it, and you are healthy in no time.

This is why all these great people and sacred saints repeatedly say about the magical benefits of meditation. Self-introspection is the way. You have the answers to all the doubts and questions that you have. Cherish your depression periods. Come out of it like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, so beautiful and so full of life. Tat Tvam Asi.

4 responses to “Look at Depression”

  1. Joelle Avatar

    its good. kinda makes you think about it 🙂

  2. Mansoor Avatar


    1. binu Avatar


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