Now, I call that……. A DAY..!

Ufff.. At last it’s over. Some days are so remarkable that we wish we wrote a diary script on it. For me today’s such a day. A day worth remembered. No no, a day which I can’t forget. A day which gave me mixed emotions. A day…

With your permission, I’m using this post as my diary entry for the day…

–> 03 – July – 2010 <–   ->Saturday<-

As I’d already said (in the previous post), today was the day I was planning to take my girlfriend out for our first major date. It was the major agenda. And another thing was a movie; I hate Luv Stories with Sreevin and his girlfriend. And maybe spend the evening with Srirag, one of the best friends I had since being a kid. Introduction being done, we’ll get into the tale deeper.

Morning 07:30 to 12:30

I got up later than I expected. But still had a lot of time. All the major action was to happen afternoon. So, got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and had a cup of boost(I really like boost) to kick me start. And went to the garage, and started cleaning my car and then after, a carwash too. Since I had to take Santro with me to thrissur. Job well done and I was about to sit when aliyan and sister came. Amma had gone out for a moment. My nephew was left with me. He’s an awesome kid. Pro-agile for a 6 month old. Afterall, he’s MY nephew na?

my nephew, Prenith

Then aliyan called me and asked me to to take his car to thrissur to get some fixing done. And he had to buy a dental accessory too(he’s a dentist). I already knew that he had a conference in the evening. So I told him that I won’t be back before late evening(I lied for convenience – but this was fact-ifide in time). So he might as well need his car. And I was on my own again..

I called sreevin and made all the planning for the day. 12:30 Sreevin, Kevin and Nithin came to my house. Kevin was also to come with us.

And finally we were rolling on the road to thrissur to start blsting. And it was just beginning.

Afternoon 12:30 to 18:30

I was driving with sreevin beside me and kevin behind. We had reached cherpu when it all began.

I was speeding. I am basically a fast and dodgy driver. And I was overconfident at that time. We were overtaking a bus. I’d already gone halfway with it when there was a two wheeler coming heading us. And it was raining. Still I hoped the two wheeler would slow down or stop.

But they didn’t. There was a man, his wife and their kid on it. While passing us, their rearview mirror hit ours. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw that they didn’t lose balance nor fell down. It was just a mirror. Has happened tons of times to us. So we didn’t stop. Some 5 minutes later, I found this bike chasing us. It was that man and he shouted me to stop. I stopped the car at once and got out. The man was so angry and held my collar and was about to hit me when I looked deeply onto his eves for reason. He then let loose of me. And even with my and Kevin’s protests, he forcefully, took the key of our car and asked us to come to the police station. He said the kid was injured. Damn Damn Damn..!

We were left alone in storming rain with the car but no key. I couldn’t call home. If I did, that’d be an end of my driving tales. Mom’s already under the impression that I’m excessively speeding when driving. We called everyone we could. And thanks to harish mash, kr and sreevin’s uncle, we felt safe (at least). When we were deciding what to do next, the two wheeler man and a police man came. Then got into the car, kevin and sreevin got out. Police man found that I was wet coz I was standing in the rain for long. He asked me to dry my hair or I might catch a cold (nice fellow). Then after I explained (lied) to them that we were going to hospital to meet a friend who was dying. They sorta believed it. Then we all drove to the police station. Before we reached there, people called the circle Inspector and made necessary arrangements to get us out if there’s any problem. But the kid had a very minor injury. And the man found it an excuse to get some money from us. But I could see that he was equally afraid coz he didn’t know our social and political status. He knows well that teenage people can be very dangerous. The SI of police was a GK master. He kept on boring with his unnecessary shots of general knowledge. As if he alone knows how to speak in English in kerala (well, boohoooo). Later as we went on speaking, he came to my side of view. Everything out there in the police station was friendly.

But I straightly arranged a compromise and I said I’d compensate for whatever it needs for the child’s well-being. And I made out a statement and handled it to that man. And said we’d call later. While i was still at the police station nidhi(a name my gf wishes to be called) called and asked me where I am. Coz I had promised I’d meet her at 2.30pm. and it was already 2.45pm. I didn’t say anything to her. But she kept on pressing me. At last I told her I was at the police station. I could feel that she was tensed and she started crying. But I had no time to listen to her at the moment. I told her to hang up and go to her aunt’s house which is in Thrissur itself.

And at last we were out of the Police station with no offence and no case registered. But that was not it. I asked kevin to drive coz I had to make some phone calls. Then on way to thrissur, we had another two close encounters with the police men in different places. As the count reached 3 (“1 othaal 3 okkum” ennaanallo. ) we felt free(superstitious us). All this time his sreevin’s gf kept calling him. But he wasn’t sure he should say this to her. At last I asked him to explain it to her. Later we went to citi center and picked her up. She came with a friend of hers. We then went to chick king for our lunch munch. Heafty food stuffed in we were off back to citi centre to shop some greeting cards and stuff. I wanted to buy a card for Nidhi coz I knew I was going to meet her later that day. And just when we reached there, I got a call from nidhi that she was at East fort and waiting for me. I unloaded all the people in the car and went to meet my girl. Then an hour and a half with her (details censored for the fear of life – she’ll kill me if I say something out here).Actually, it was the longest part of the day. And that’s what actually made the day great. But, folks as I said, I can’t share the details. Afterwards I went and picked the people from citi center and dropped the girls at the bus station. And I, kevin and sreevin rerouted to our home. On the way we got a call from the accident dude that the overall expenses were high and we had to pay him Rs950. We met him later and paid himas per the deal and I got the papers cleared. And at last I reached my home. All well done.


Sreevin stayed a bit longer to see Germany-Argentina match. Argentina lose adding fire to my happiness. It was a pride game. Coz if argentina had won, we brazil fans wound’ve been pounded by the rivals on the next day in college. Luckily, nothing that sort is gonna happen.

Later I called the accident dude to know that his daughter was fine and good.

Feeling relieved, I am going to sleep. Tata.

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