The Flower and The Fruit


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“The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved” ~ Victor Hugo

Friends getting married (start of a new life), friends passing away (end of a life): both gives you the same feeling; at two different instants of your life.

You are young; you have just entered your twenties. One of your friends is getting married tomorrow. You are at her house attending the wedding eve functions. But you know, you’ll miss her from the day after. She’s just a friend who’s going away, but it makes you sad.

You are old; you have entered your eighties. Who knows if you could ever celebrate a zero ended age again. You just heard a news. Your childhood friend passed away this morning. You don’t have any tears to shed for her now as it’s not the first time you are hearing the news of the death of someone close. Still you know, you’ll miss her from this day. You know she has gone away and it makes you sad.

Life traverses a half sine wave in its time. You do not bring anything when you came. You don’t know anything. You are totally innocent being a child. You grow up by age and wisdom. Your experiences makes you mature. “Maturity is all about losing your innocence”. You enter your middle-age. When you are most capable of doing everything you want in life, you rather get tired of living this life. You think and talk of old age and death too often. With a blink of an eye, you enter your old age. You see everything coming back to you. People start to see you as childishly stupid rather than worldly wise. And finally, you go away like you came; knowing nothing, taking nothing.


Flower is the highly spirited, smart, strong you; your youth. The tree (of life) expects a lot from you.

Fruit is you at your old age. You are a treasury of wisdom and experiences. But the tree (of life) no longer needs anything from you. Eventually, you’ll fall down and perish.
Here, the flower and the fruit have the opposite impressions. But think: deep inside, aren’t they the same?

Answer me, Deep inside, we are all the same, Aren’t we?

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2 responses to “The Flower and The Fruit”

  1. krish866 Avatar

    Deep inside, we are all the same, Aren’t we?

    i dnt knw what answer your looking for here.

    1. binu Avatar

      I knew i’d have to answer it 🙂
      I meant that, we all came here free handed and free minded, and it would be the same case when we leave finally.
      All the mess we make: all the ego, the complexes, the rivalries, run for money, relations, everything is useless..
      Moreover they sound stupid, if we have this philosophy in mind. Live to be (and feel)happy. Period.

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