Word of the Day

This post is being written in an exam hall. Plainly because I have nothing else to do and the invigilator is a koodara man who won’t let me leave the hall until at least an hour is over. So, I bought an extra sheet and am going to write whatever that comes to my mind.

Well, here we go…

Empty Words

There are a lot of highly important things that words can’t express (As usual, I’m not beginning the blog post in a structured way). For instance, our emotions and feelings: you can’t express them through words.

Internet, email and the population explosion of cellphones revolutionized the way we express everything. With them came the idea of texting (or sms, whatever you call them), chatting etc. In my opinion, the biggest gift that these services gave to a writer is: the ability to express his/her feelings through words. Yes, you know what I mean: SMILIES..!!

Those tiny little (bad grammar again) letters can mean a lot. They can even make people fall in (and out) of love. A smiley can create an instant mood swing.

But at the same time, I know pretty well that a skillful writer doesn’t need the help of these wicked little things to express his emotions. He does magic with words. For the time being, let’s leave the magician alone as he’s out of our scope.

We (me, my blog and you) are normal beings. So let’s talk about the subtle things that come in and out of our extremely dumb-witted, funny, careless senses and an extremely small world.

Bored? It’s time to start thinking.

Say, you are highly tired after school, college, work (or whatever that makes you tired) and just back home exhausted. You are so happy to see that bowl of Maggi noodles that you mom made you. You are eating it whole heartedly. Your mouth’s full. (Wait, I forgot the plot. Yea, Got it!) Your sister came by; you want her to switch on the TV for you. How’s it that you’re going to ask her?

THINK and read

Hmm! Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm?


It meant,

Chechi! Can you switch on the TV for me?

Too right..!! Isn’t it?

And she says “Hmm” and switch on the TV.

Hmm” is the word of the day.

I know this is a dumb blog entry. But the bottom lines are, “Small feelings are the hardest to explain by words “and “Small sounds means a lot”.

PS: Sir starts to admit us out one by one. Because every1 have started discussing about Mohanlal and Mammootty as none have anything in their papers. I avoided some quizzical glances which asked me “What is it that you have to write so much about?

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