As we enter the season for tech fests and cultural fests at campuses across the country, here are a few ideas on how to make your fest a more sustainable event — reducing waste and energy consumption, while maximizing your positive environmental impact!


– Minimize flyers or posters within the campus: set up signboards for annoucements and/or effective speaker systems
– Minimize flyers being passed out by host companies: require that it be from recycled paper, and request half sheets from all exhibitors (or no paper at all)
– Set up an effective event segregation system, including communications to share what you are doing with attendees
– Provide a user-waste collection system (ie: invite guests to bring their own e-waste or plastic from home)
– Identify partners to create the most value for recycling system (ie: newspaper going to NGOs to make bags, tetrapaks being recycled, plastic bags being upcycled)
– Provide visual reminders of the waste generated, and compare to typical event benchmarks

Packaging Waste:

– Eliminate all plastic or disposable food packaging (biodegradable or reusable serviceware)
– Minimize use of plastic bottles for water: provide filtration units throughout the campus, and potentially steel or BPA-free bottles in the registration kit
– Set up cook-to-order food service and/or arrange for un-touched food to be given to NGOs
– Set up transportable composting systems onsite
– Set up compost bins and waste segregation throughout the event/campuse

Food Provision:

– Focus on local and/or organic food service
– Serve only vegetarian food, as vegetarian food can have a lower impact in terms of carbon emissions


– If you’re using an existing facility, use the event as a chance to install metering systems, renewable energy systems, and/or energy efficient fixtures/bulbs
– Set up metering to do live feed of total energy consumption on campus (a great idea for your facility regardless)
– If setting up temporary structures (stage, theater), consider solar powered systems, or a temporary CNG system


– Arrange buses at full capacity to come to and from the housing for the event (is there capacity on campus?): this might mean one large bus for peak times and smaller buses during off-peak times, rather than having full-sized buses shuttling at all times

– Arrange for special guests to stay on campus so that other vehicles at their timing might not be needed
– Provide information about public transit routes to all participants in advance of the event
– Incentivize participants to come by train or bus rather than by plane by offering free shuttles from the train station, and public transit alternatives for the transit from the airport


– While it can be challenging to say your fest is truly carbon-neutral, you can consider offsetting some of the emissions that are under your control (energy consumed by campus buildings during the fest, or transportation from the area)
– Consider offsetting using either clean energy projects or community projects such as distribution of solar lanterns instead of, or in addition to, tree plantation programs
– Integrate climate change or renewable energy into the content of your events, whether through a competition for new technologies, an entrepreneurship competition, a workshop or climate leadership training, a campus clean-up, or a competition for ideas for sustainability on campus. Getting funding for a long-term project can be much easier if it comes out of a competition during a well-sponsored fest.
– Integrate sustainability into the entertainment — NIT Trichy invited the solar-powered band, Solar Punch, to perform at their fest last year, integrating great music with a solar message


– Give productive, usable prizes, awards and tokens to speakers and participants — things like solar lanterns, reusable bags, or water bottles that can prevent use of plastic in the future
– Wrap any gifts in recycled paper, which can really support groups that are making recycled paper in villages or in low-income urban areas. It’s amazing how many jobs can be created just by changing the paper that you use
– Print all of your fliers and posters on recycled paper
– Consider making products out of the flex you use — check out Conserve’s work reusing the flex from the Commonwealth Games
Enjoy a green fest!


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