A Change is Inevitable

For the past couple of months, I’ve been feeling BORED. Yeah, totally!
And I was thinking over and over for the reason behind it, but came forward with nothing.
When I looked forward for a reason, everything I saw was masti, fun, smiling faces of friends, chit chats, laughter, jokes, romance(ofcourse, alot 🙂 ) and happiness. The only sad/unhappy thing was college. But our college bus was a good enough replacement for the sadness. Our Bus team consisting of Diya, Salini, Sujitha, Me, Kevin, KR, (Manu, Sreedevi, Sreevin, Vijith –> in and out regularly) is freaking awesome! One can’t hope for a better unity and friendship.Bizarrely unique , we are! We discuss stuff related to anything that come under the Sun.

So, all the thoughts done, I was still wondering what was it that was making me feel bored. It was only yesterday that I found out. That too during a stray chat with Salini.

The problem is with me. I mean not physically, but, the system- Its out-dated.I was going a bit out-of-bounds these days. All these hangouts, zero consciousness about anything, zero fear for people, money lavishness (thank God, my parents are a bit stinchy in handing cash to me or else..) JUNK FOOD and Junk thoughts, these are really taking the good away from me (even though nobody can notice, I am indeed becoming more and more lucifer-like). All thanks to Laddu (Salini) for pointing out things when they were really going out of hands. Thank You, babe..!

I am not suggesting that i become a geek aka buji, nor a tortoise who hides his face under the hood when he see something, nor does I want to become silent, stinchy, less social or stop travelling. Then what the heck do I need?

Improvement, an overhaul- that’s what I need. In Geekish, they say, “The hardware is strong, but the firmware(software) needs an update”.

The more and more mycollege is becoming boring, the more and more need I to take things seriously. And be conscious of everything. Everything happening behind me, and around me. And visualize as Rhonda Byrne says. “Visualize the good that you want to happen, feel it, believe it is happening and finally, see it happen”. Wise words, right?

And for the social front, be a bit more calm, less frantic, more firm and a bit of that stereotypical assertiveness adds good taste. In short, become a fun-loving professional. Just as google acclaims, “Whats fun without work?”, we say “Whats good in saying that we are professionals without a bit of professional essence?”. And read alot, whatever comes in your way, oh no, not textbooks, but everything apart from that. Just lend your eyes to all those novels and magazines. (It’s easy to give advises and I Love to give’em). Am i talking geekish? I can’t be. I hate geeks..!

And I take this opportunity to proudly announce a very significant thing. I am now a self-proclaimed ‘FITNESS FREAK’. I am quitting junk food. I am somewhat aware of the stuff I eat(need more attention- because I am pathetically hungry all the time and doesn’t really care what i am getting to eat). I get up at 4:30am every morning, brush my teeth, drink alot of water and then shoot straightly to our Gym. A 45 minutes hard workout. The Iron I lift makes me feel strong. Yeah! Literally like an Iron Man. **ROAR..!**. Fitness is very important. It gives me the ability to do things I always wanted to. And it remarkably increases my efficiency. And, last but not least, say good-bye to bulging bellies. Time to rip that stomach into pieces.!

By the way what were you thinking while you were reading all these. This might feel like a very self-centred post. But I would suggest you to replace your name with all the ‘I’s and ‘Me’s wherever necessary. Yes, all this time I were talking about you. I need a change, its obvious. But so does you too. So, why not we change together? Come on..! BE BOLD, SPEAK UP..!

PS: With your permission, I am quoting Smirnoff(our favourite vodka) advertisement, “LIFE’s CALLING. WHERE ARE YOU?

Enjoy your breakfast !

One response to “A Change is Inevitable”

  1. krish8664 Avatar

    LOL … nothing else to comment …. and ladu is great 😛

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